Welcome to Room 10's blog

Welcome to Room 10's blog
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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Harold Comes to Visit UHPS!

This week all UHPS children have been to Health lessons in the Life Education Caravan. The Tipa Team have been exploring being 'Happy and Healthy'.
These were our main learning intentions:
We are learning to: (W.A.L.T)
  • Recognise both positive and negative feelings and how to express those feelings.
  • Understand that we function better when we are happy and healthy
  • Show acceptance of others', and our own, feelings and recognise ways of dealing with those feelings.
  • Understand we need to develop positive relationships with each other and respect each other.
We are also following up these lessons in class and working hard to practise doing these things, as we know it will help make everyone in our community 'Happy and Healthy'!



He turned up at our Leadership Assembly this afternoon!
Thanks for coming, it was great sharing our week with you!


We had fun watching our Year 4 leaders (Tipa children) dance to "Reach for the Stars", while the rest of the school sang along too!
(Wearing their red socks of course!)

1 comment:

  1. you look cool you are cool i love that room10 by isabella room8 my mum is calld Rachel.
