Welcome to Room 10's blog

Welcome to Room 10's blog
Come and see our amazing work!

MIB -Making it Better in Room 10

This space is to share with our community about how we are making our learning better!  We will interview learners and reflect on how we can keep improving our work.  This will be across all areas of the curriculum. Make sure you keep an eye out for how Room 10 are taking ownership and making decisions about their learning!

We have been working together in our community on our Friendships.  Here is our brainstorm we made on what we expect from our friendships. Way to go Room 10!

We discussed in our Circle Time, the possible barriers to our friendships and then talked as a class on how we could problem solve these.  Room 10 want to make sure our community is always a safe and friendly place, where we can share our thoughts and feelings.

We have all been making a huge effort to work on our friendships and look after each other.  Our next step was that we then decided that we wanted to make sure we were making someones day better...

Everyday we share in class..."How we made someone's day better?"  Was it a smile? Did you help someone carry their books?  Did you help get breakfast ready this morning?  

These are our posters we have drawn, we wrote a goal that we are going to work on and make our friendships better!