Welcome to Room 10's blog

Welcome to Room 10's blog
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Interdependence - Animals and Habitats...

Room 10 have been learning about interdependence.  We went for a walk to see 'What animals live around us?'.  We were looking and listening for creatures that live around us.  We also tried to identify their habitats.  

We have been thinking and talking about 'How our animals need to be here for our grandchildren?' e.g. Like the kiwi and other native animals.  

At home we are going to  be taking photos of HABITATS in our backyard.  Then we are going to find out what creatures may live in those habitats and areas in our backyards.  

You will need to email your photos to kaitken@upperharbour.school.nz, so we can print them off and add them to our inquiry wall.   

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