Welcome to Room 10's blog

Welcome to Room 10's blog
Come and see our amazing work!

The Eagle Lands...

Room 10 have been writing Recounts this term.  We have learnt that recounts are personal experiences and have developed a criteria, to help us to reflect on our own work.  This Success Criteria, helps us know if our writing has all the different parts we need to be successful. This is what we decided recounts need to have:

  • Write in present and past tense
  • Title
  • Introduction (Orientation-Who, Where, When)
  • Use of descriptive language - adjectives and adverbs
  • Ideas in a logical order
  • Sequence of events
  • Time words
  • Use metaphor and simile
  • Include thoughts and feelings (Personal comments)
  • Paragraph groups of ideas
  • Using first person
  • Conclusion (Personal comment)
  • Edit your own work first and read it to a buddy
  • 3B4 Mrs A
Here are some of the published pieces of work!