Welcome to Room 10's blog

Welcome to Room 10's blog
Come and see our amazing work!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What's your news? Pike River Mine Explosion


Today we had a minutes silence in class and thought about the miners and their families. We posted on the herald website, wishing the rescuers well in their efforts to try and save the miners.

We wish you all the best and hope you come home to your families.

Kia Kaha

Room 10

Thursday, October 14, 2010

We've been Reading...

This morning we have been reading articles on the NZ Herald Website. We looked at an article on the Chilean Miners who were rescued yesterday and a Sea Lion attack on the Otago Penninsula.
Here are the links below:


Video of the Chilean Miners

Sea Lion Article

By Room 10

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Science...how the world changes around us?

Today in class we have been learning about science. We visited the website Brainpop and learnt more about the Scientific Method. We are going to learn about Change this term and conduct lots of different experiments.

We are going to explore our Wonderings and Discoveries!
Go to Brainpop and explore the world of Science!


We have a 5 day trial period to explore this website for free.
Username: uhps10
Password: uhps10

Room 10

Calendar Art is coming up soon...

If you have any spare wool especially red and green. Please bring some thick darning needles and bring them to the Tipa Team as soon as possible. We will be creating them this week, so please be quick and bring them in!

If you have beads, buttons or xmas pictures/stickers you can bring those in to decorate your calendar in too.

Thanks from

Room 10

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Maths Activities Around our Room...

Here is a video of some of the things we are doing through our maths time!
Enjoy the viewing!

Room 10

Maths Learning...

This is a clip of the Rimu Maths Group - working on their fractions. Exploring how to use them in their problem solving!

Thanks for sharing the journey guys!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mosaic Madness Continued...

Here is a video of our learning and creating of our Bird Mosaics! We have almost completed them now, here is our thoughts on how we are going!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sharing Our Learning...

Room 10 decided as a community what we wanted to share with our parents and family, coming to visit our classroom this week. We had heaps of things we wanted to share and this is what we came up with.

Things we want to show our parents and families:

How we use our Interactive Smartboard: Mrs Aitken has a thinking map we use for inquiry ready to go for us, and we will show you how it works. We also love going to maths websites on our board, we want to show you how to do that too!

Our Blog: We love updating and sharing our blog and would love to show you our favourite parts. We would love any ideas you have, of things we could put on our blog too!

Our Writing: We love writing in Room 10 and have selected our favourite pieces of work to share with you. We will also show you our writing progression wall, which helps us to see where we are at and what our next steps are.

Our Inquiry and Reading: We have been reading lots of non fiction text and using them to help us 'Capture the Big Picture' for our Inquiry this term. Our concept is Interdependence and we have been exploring what this means and specifically the interdependence of animals, and their habitats.

Our Maths: We have a maths wall that shows where we are in our Number knowledge and strategies. We can see clearly what our next steps are and have set goals, so we know what to practise on. We also love playing maths activities in class, they help us practise and learn new knowledge and strategies. We want to show you some of these when you come and visit our classroom next week too!

Other things we would like to share are our Mosaics we are creating for the Gala, our Calendar Art and our Keep Ourselves Safe activities that are displayed around the classroom.

We are really excited about sharing our learning with you!

See you next week!
Room 10

Monday, September 6, 2010

Look who Came to Visit Room 10...

We had visitors to our room...Kim came in last Wednesday and showed us some special creatures!

They are the NEW ZEALAND GECKO! She has a special permit to look after these creatures and helps the Department of Conservation out by breeding and looking after these NZ Natives!

Thanks for help us to further Capture the Big Picture...mmmm...WHAT NEXT?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Eco Kids Website...Join now!

Go to eco kids website if you have what it takes to save the world from pollution! To save the world become an agent and engage in missions that will help us protect the environment.


We want to find out more about the effect of pests and pollution on our native plants and animals. With your parents permission, have a look at this website :-)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bug Patrol...

Room 10 were working together as a community today, to discuss how we can deal with situations in the playground or in the classroom, when someone else's behaviour really just 'Bugs' us. We like to support each other and have problem solved this together.

We first shared all our ideas on what behaviour from our peers, we find gets us angry, upset and just doesn't make us feel good. Then we worked on things we could say to those people...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Looking at our Local Environment...

Today Room 10 went to explore 'What is all around us?'. We recorded all the creatures we saw and heard as we walked around our beautiful school environment. We rely on our environment to look after us, by creating places for us to play. We know trees help us to breathe and it makes our local area feel like a great place.
So it got us thinking...Are we doing all that we can to look after it?

Here were some of our thoughts...

Are we taking good care of the birds and the bush?
What really is in our local bush?

Is our creek a healthy one?

We loved being outside today...have a look at what we did!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Gala News!

Room 10 are going to have a plant stall at the Upper Harbour Primary School GALA. We are writing letters to plant shops to see if anyone could help us. We will need some equipment for us to set up our stall.

We will need:

packets of seeds

pots (plastic)

plastic trays (seedlings)

troughs/wooden/concrete planter boxes
soil or compost
watering cans

We would be very grateful if you are able to help us with our planting. All money raised from our plants will be going towards our new playground.

If you are able to donate any of these items, please contact kaitken@upperharbour.school.nz.

Thanks Heaps

Room 10

Mathletics Madness in Room 10...


Everyday last week and this week, we have been working on Mathletics. We are using structured Maths activities to support and extend our Maths learning in the classroom and at home. Room 10 have enjoyed every minute of their experience and have been super motivated in their Maths learning!

Parents please leave us comments about how you have found Matheltics at home too. Mrs Aitken and Room 10 would love to hear from you!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Writing Explanations...

This term the Tipa Team are looking at Explanation texts and are learning about 'What they are used for and Where might I see them?' and of course...'How to write them?'
Here was what they were learning to do:

W.A.L.T: Write an explanation for a machine
  • Success Criteria:
  • To work in a group
  • Share their ideas
  • Taking turns
  • Identify and label parts
  • Explain what the function of each part was
Watch and see how we did it! Children from Room 10 will talk about their writing below:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Harold Comes to Visit UHPS!

This week all UHPS children have been to Health lessons in the Life Education Caravan. The Tipa Team have been exploring being 'Happy and Healthy'.
These were our main learning intentions:
We are learning to: (W.A.L.T)
  • Recognise both positive and negative feelings and how to express those feelings.
  • Understand that we function better when we are happy and healthy
  • Show acceptance of others', and our own, feelings and recognise ways of dealing with those feelings.
  • Understand we need to develop positive relationships with each other and respect each other.
We are also following up these lessons in class and working hard to practise doing these things, as we know it will help make everyone in our community 'Happy and Healthy'!



He turned up at our Leadership Assembly this afternoon!
Thanks for coming, it was great sharing our week with you!


We had fun watching our Year 4 leaders (Tipa children) dance to "Reach for the Stars", while the rest of the school sang along too!
(Wearing their red socks of course!)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Eagle Lands...

Here is a movie of the Eagle Helicopter Visiting us at UHPS! You can hear how excited we were! Thanks to the NZ Police for supporting us during Leadership Week!

Keep watching our Literacy Page, for our Police Visit stories we are writing! UPDATED 1/7/10

Monday, June 28, 2010

MIB Posters!

We have made these colourful MIB posters to show other people about how we relate to our friends. We wanted other people to take notice and put these plans into action. We took great care in making them and it took us a whole block to make them. Have fun looking at them.

Please look at our MIB page to see the rest of these colourful pictures!

Thanks from Daniel

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Book Reviews to come...

Room 10 are busy preparing to share their novel studies with you and some children were even interviewed about their books. Keep checking for updates on our Literacy page!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Maths At Home...

Here are a selection of Interactive Maths Websites that your children can enjoy at home.

They are free and easy to use! ENJOY!


We've been looking at Hector's World...

Room 10 have been exploring how to keep safe while using the internet. Have a look at http://www.hectorsworld.com/ to learn more about how you can do this with your family.

We watched some clips on the Episode Theatre section, and recommend sharing this with your family and friends.

Have fun sharing the journey!